Hey Lazy FI readers, Lazy FI Dad is back after 3-4 months of not writing new posts.

The last 2 posts I wrote were:

My interview on the “Your Path to FI” podcast and our 2022 annual results.

It’s been too long.

Why Didn’t I post for a while?

Initially, my goal was to post every Friday but life happens.

The lack of sleep and constant illness (each time, someone else was ill) took its toll. In addition, I got a new manager just before the busiest time of the year at my Job (February-April). That meant I was a lot busier at work. Add to that an increase in Excel sessions and sadly, you get fewer posts.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m delighted my Excel business is growing but I’m also sad that it came at the expense of this blog.

So what will happen to the Lazy FI blog going forward?

I plan to go back to posting more often. However, I think I’m going to change direction here a little bit. I’m going to be writing for specific people.

First, I’m going to write for me, I want this blog to be a live journal of our journey- numbers, experiences and feelings along the journey.

Second, I’m going to write for specific people. For example, Lazy FI Mum. I was about to do a quick recap of January-May but she said she misses the monthly results so there will be 5 monthly results coming your way pretty quickly. While they will be a bit less “recent” (a few months have passed), I hope you still find them interesting/helpful. Even if not (no offence), this is for Lazy FI Mum anyway 🙂

Third, the Lazy FI readers. I love to investigate, learn, explain, and teach. So, if you have any topic you want me to cover- just let me know in the comment section of any post or at lazyfidad@gmail.com.

Lazy FI Dad is back
Lazy FI Dad is back (I know you missed these stupid dad jokes). Photo by BLAUBLUT EDITION

Planned future posts

I have some ideas for future posts I want to write (besides our monthly results). Here are a few:

  1. Latest changes in childcare (15/30 hours) and what they mean for parents
  2. How we almost bought a flat in Israel and how it changed our approach
  3. What do I really want from my job?
  4. Enjoying the journey
  5. The scariest hour of my life
  6. Lazy FI Mum’s new job

I am still not sure which of these I’ll write first or if they will be separate posts or part of our monthly results.

Anyway, just wanted to quickly let you know I’m OK (kind of, after all- City won the treble) and back to writing 🙂